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包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆的英文

"包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆"怎么读


  • bao
  • "包"英文翻译    wrap
  • "孢"英文翻译    spore
  • "宝"英文翻译    treasure; treasured object
  • "保"英文翻译    defend; protect
  • "报"英文翻译    report; declare; announce
  • "抱"英文翻译    carry in breast; hold with b ...
  • "豹"英文翻译    leopard; panther; species of ...
  • "暴"英文翻译    sudden and violent
  • "爆"英文翻译    explode; burst
  • "孢" 英文翻译 :    名词[植物学] (孢子) spore
  • "爆" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(猛然破裂或迸出) explode; burst 防爆 explosion protection; prevent explosion; 气球爆了。 the balloon burst.2.(放在滚油里快炒) quick-fry 爆炒牛肚儿 quick-fried tripe
  • "抱" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(用手臂围住) carry in breast; hold with both arms; embrace 抱柴禾 carry a bundle of firewood; 抱小孩儿 take a baby in one's arms; 抱住 hold in one's arms; hold on to2.(初次得到) have one's first child or grandchild 抱上儿子了 have a son; 她快抱孙子了。 she'll soon be a grandmother.3.(领养孩子) adopt a baby 抱养的孩子 adopted child4.[方言] (结合在一起) hang together 抱团儿 hang together; gang up; band together5.(衣、鞋大小合适) fit nicely 抱脚儿 fit the feet nicely6.(存在心里; 怀有) cherish; nourish; harbour 抱乐观态度 take an optimistic attitude; 抱希望 entertain a hope; 抱满腔热忱 be filled with enthusiasm7.(负有) carry on; burdened with 抱痛 suffer sorrow of8.(孵卵成雏) hatch eggs; brood 抱小鸡儿 hatch chickens9.(姓氏) a surname 抱嶷 bao yiⅡ量词(两臂合围的量) armful 一抱柴 an armful of firewood; 一抱书 an armful of books
  • "宝" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(珍贵物) treasure; treasured object 国宝 national treasure; 献宝 present a treasure; 无价之宝 priceless treasure2.(一种赌具) gambling device 压宝 stake3.(银钱货币) currency; coin; 通宝 ancient coin with square hole in center4.(姓氏) a surname 宝忠 bao zhongⅡ形容词1.(珍贵的) antique; precious; treasured 宝珠 precious pearl2.[敬] (旧时用于称别人的家眷, 铺子等) your esteemed 宝号 your shop
  • "暴" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(突然而且猛烈) sudden and violent 狂暴 violent; 暴雷 violent thunderclaps2.(凶狠; 残酷) harsh and tyrannical; cruel; fierce; brutal; savage 凶暴 fierce and brutal; 强暴 brutal; tyrannical; 粗暴 crude; brutal; rude; rough3.(急躁) irritable; irascible; short-tempered; hot-tempered 暴脾气 irascible temper; hot temperⅡ副词(突然地而且猛烈地) suddenly and fiercely 暴饮暴食 drink and eat too much at one meal; 河水暴涨。 the river suddenly rose.Ⅲ动词1.(鼓起来; 突出) bulge; stick out; stand out 青筋直暴。 the blue veins stand out (on one's temples).2.(露出) expose; broadcast 暴扬 broadcast news; 暴尸街头 expose a corpse in the street [open]3.[书面语] (糟蹋) waste; ruin; soil 自暴自弃 give oneself up as hopeless; ruin oneselfⅣ名词1.(姓氏) a surname 暴胜之 bao shengzhi2.(猛烈;暴力) violence 以暴易暴 change one tyranny for another tyranny
  • "豹" 英文翻译 :    名词1.[动物学] (猫科哺乳动物) leopard; panther; species of mountain cat 金钱豹 leopard with ring-like spots; spotted leopard; spots2.(姓氏) a surname 豹明 bao ming
  • "报" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(告知; 报告) report; declare; announce 报火警 report a fire; 报忧 report sorrow2.(回答) reply; respond; reciprocate 报之一笑 respond with a smile; 报友人书 a (letter in) reply to a friend3.(答谢) show gratitude to; recompense; repay; requite 报养育之恩 make oneself worthy of sb.'s care and upbringing; 以怨报德 requite kindness with ingratitude; return evil for good; 无以为报 do not know how to compensate sb. for help; be unable to repay a kindness4.(报复) show vengeance to 报私仇 revenge for private grudgeⅡ名词1.(报纸) newspaper 中国日报 the china daily; 晚报 evening paper2.(期刊) periodical; journal 周报 weekly; 学报 college journal; 画报 pictorial (magazine); 黑板报 blackboard newspaper3.(传达信息的文件或信号) bulletin; report 海报 playbill; 战报 war bulletin; 喜报 report of success, a happy event, etc.; glad tidings; good news4.(电报) telegram; cable 发报 send [transmit] a telegram5.[宗教] (报应) retribution 现报 retribution before our eyes
  • "保" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(保卫; 保护) defend; protect 保家卫国 protect our homes and defend our country; 保乌纱帽 protect one's official post2.(保持) keep; preserve; maintain in good condition 保水保肥 preserve moisture and fertility (in the soil); 毛衣穿了能保暖。 wearing a sweater will keep us warm.3.(保证; 担保做到) guarantee; ensure 保不住 cannot guarantee; 保质保量 guarantee both quality and quantity; 旱涝保收 ensure stable yields despite drought or waterlogging4.(担保) stand guarantor for sb.: 保外执行 [法律] serve a sentence on bailⅡ名词1.(保人; 保证人) guarantor 找保人 find a guarantor; 作保 stand as guarantor2.(旧时掌管某事之人) official in charge 少保 imperial tutor in charge of upbringing of the crown prince; 酒保 wine shop owner or waiter3.(旧时户籍的编制单位) administrative system4.(姓氏) a surname 保睿 bao rui
  • "包" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(用纸、布等裹) wrap 把东西包起来 wrap things up; 包饺子 make jiaozi [dumplings]; 包书皮 put a jacket [cover] on a book; 用布把伤口包起来。 use a cloth to wrap up the wound. 纸包不住火。 you can't wrap fire in paper.2.(围绕; 包围) surround; encircle; envelop 从两边包过去 surround from both sides; 浓雾包住了群山。 the hills were enveloped in dense fog.3.(容纳在里头; 总括在一起) include; contain 无所不包 all-inclusive; all-embracing4.(全部承担) undertake the whole thing 这件事包在我身上。 i shall take full charge of the matter. 这事由我包了吧。 just leave it all to me.5.(担保) assure; guarantee 包你满意。 you'll like it; i assure you. 包你没错。 you can rest assured.6.(约定专用) hire; charter 包了一只船 hire [charter] a boat; 我们学校为那次旅行包了三辆公共汽车。 our school chartered three buses for the trip.Ⅱ名词1.(包好了的东西) bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel 邮包 postal parcel [packet]; 炸药包 pack of dynamite; explosive package2.(装东西的袋) bag; sack 手提包 handbag; bag; 书包 satchel; school bag3.(物体或身体上鼓起的疙瘩) protuberance; swelling; lump 胳膊上起了个包 have a swelling in the arm; 脑门子上碰了个包 have [get] a bump on one's forehead; 树干上有个大包。 there is a big protuberance on the trunk.4.(毡制的圆顶帐篷) yurt 蒙古包 mongolian yurt5.(姓氏) a surname 包拯 bao zhengⅢ量词(用于成包的东西) bale; box; bundle; package; pack; packet; sack 一大包衣服 a big bundle of clothes; 一包棉纱 a bale of cotton yarn; 一包毛巾 a package of towels; 一包香烟 a packet [pack] of cigarettes; 两包大米 two sacks of rice; 两包糖 two bags of sugar; 一包火柴 a box of matches
  • "炸,爆" 英文翻译 :    blast
  • "豹2" 英文翻译 :    leopard 2
  • "豹Ⅱ型" 英文翻译 :    leopard two
  • "傻 豹" 英文翻译 :    pink panther
  • "显?,暴?" 英文翻译 :    showup
  • "珍 宝" 英文翻译 :    daimler fleetline
  • "报,公报" 英文翻译 :    gazette
包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆的英文翻译,包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆,包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆的英文意思,包 孢 寶 保 報 抱 豹 暴 爆的英文包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆 meaning in English包 孢 寶 保 報 抱 豹 暴 爆的英文包 孢 宝 保 报 抱 豹 暴 爆怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。